Nussbaumer & Clarke provides HVAC design services for both new and renovated municipal, industrial and commercial projects. Projects range in size from individual small offices and restaurants, to renovated buildings being converted to apartments, to highway garages and large manufacturing facilities. Heating, ventilating and air conditioning are often the largest energy consuming systems in a structure. Nussbaumer designs integrated HVAC systems in accordance with the International Energy Conservation Code and ASHRAE 90.1 requirements for energy conformance.
- Heating systems including boilers, heat pumps, make-up air/gas heating systems, unit heaters
- Ventilating systems, including air handlers, unit ventilators
- Air conditioning, including chillers, roof-top units, ductless units
- Unitary systems for combined heating, ventilating and cooling
- Air cleaning
- Ductwork
- Louvers
- Energy Recovery Systems
- Com check documentation
- Code review
- Energy audits
- Construction cost estimates
- NYSERDA and Utility rebate forms
- Construction Administration Services